I am a lawyer, social worker, family dispute resolution practitioner (FDRP) and parenting co-ordinator with more than a decade's experience helping children and families navigate the various ups and downs of family politics.
At Fambam we provide a range of innovative co-parenting family law services. Our legal advice and representation are based on what you want and need in the long term, not just in the moment.
We try to keep you out of Court, but if Court is necessary (and for some families, it is), we'll provide separation mentoring (aka counselling) as an inbuilt extra, so that at all times you are getting the legal AND emotional support you need and deserve. Because at the end of the day, you don't just want a piece of paper, you want peace.
We look forward to working with you!
Ali Cupper Gross LLB/LP BIS BSW Grad Dip App Law (Family Law)
Principal Solicitor + Founder
Copyright © 2022 Fambam Family Law + Separation Mentoring - All Rights Reserved.
Mallee Girl Pty Ltd | ACN 664968727